Original Art for sale supporting conservation …
Grey-headed Flying-Fox, A3 colour pencil on paper
This cutie burst onto my drawing board a couple of years ago to help spread awareness of threatened species and because it’s Threatened species day on 7th September, I’m now selling the original with of sale going to not-for-profits supporting Australian threatened species…
50% to Fly By Night Bat Clinic
Fly By Night is a licenced DELWP Wildlife Shelter in Melbourne and is run by volunteers dedicated to the rescue & rehabilitation and release of this threatened species
PLUS 50% to Australian Wildlife Conservancy
Australian Wildlife Conservancy is the biggest private (not for profit) owner and/or manager of land for conservation in Australia. As a leader in the field, their mission is the effective conservation of all Australian native animal species and the habitats in which they live.
Grey-headed flying-fox (Pteropus poliocephalus) are a vulnerable species and are tired of being blamed for being a pest in our backyards, for eating from our fruiting trees. Their forest habitats are being cleared, so they have no other choice.
The Grey-headed Flying-Fox, also known as the Grey-headed Fruit-bat, is one of the largest bats in the world. It’s primary food source is blossom from Eucalyptus but in some areas it also utilises a wide range of rainforest fruits.
Flying foxes play a major role in the regeneration of forests by pollinating as they feed and dispersing seeds as they move throughout the forest.
To purchase this artwork please visit my website shop : https://www.josdesktop.com/shop
#josdesktop #wildlifeillustration #readytoframe #australianart #australianwildlifeartist #artforhome #affordableart #flyingfox #fruitbat #bat #greyheadedflyingfox #threatenedspecies #artforconservation #threatenedspeciesday #melbourneillustrator #mavacollective #threatenedspeciesaustralia #australianwildlife #flybynightbatclinic
Grey-headed Flying-Fox, A3 colour pencil on paper